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What is Simba’s Content Matrix?

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Now, you have probably heard of the film “Moneyball,” that story about the small-town baseball team that turned the whole game on its head. A bunch of underdogs, led by a maverick manager who saw things differently. They ignored the old scouts with their gut feelings and focused on cold, hard numbers. Data. And wouldn’t you know it, those numbers led them straight to undervalued players who could flat-out hit the ball. They built a winning team without breaking the bank, and shook up the sport.

The internet’s a jungle, full of roaring promises and traps hidden in pretty leaves. Every day, it’s a battle for eyes, for those precious seconds when someone chooses to listen to you and not the chattering monkey in the next tree. So, how do you know where to focus? How do you cut through the noise and nurture the content that fuels your own little digital kingdom?

That’s where Simba’s Content Matrix comes in. Forget those shiny, complex tools that take a month and a PhD to decipher. Simba’s Content Matrix is simple, ruthless, and tells you exactly what you need to know. It’s like your Simon Cowell on Pop Idol. See, your content, all those meticulously crafted words and images, isn’t created equal. Some pieces soar like eagles and reach for the stars, others crawl out their graves like Zombies, and a good chunk are just dead weight no one needs or knows to do with them. The Matrix sorts the lions from the, well, the wildebeests.

Simba’s Content Matrix, that’s your “Moneyball” for this wild world of clickonomics. See, most people out there playing this online marketing game are like those old-school baseball scouts. They chase trends, copy their rivals, and throw their money and sweat at whatever seems hot at the moment. It’s a lot of noise and wasted effort. But you? You are going to be smarter.

Figure 3 Simba’s Content Matrix

Let’s cut to the chase: the whole point of this internet marketing business is two things: getting Clicks and Conversions.

Think of clicks like an old-school batting average. It isn’t the end-all-be-all, but it sure tells you if you are connecting with the crowd, getting people interested enough to step up to the plate. A headline that gets no clicks is like a swing and a miss – might sound good, but isn’t going to win you no games.

But here is the thing: clicks don’t pay the bills. Conversions, that’s where the money’s made. A customer who buys, a subscriber who signs up, a lead who gets in touch – those are your home runs, your grand slams. Clicks get them to the park, but conversions bring them home.

Now, here is where the Simba Content Matrix comes in. See, most marketers, they fumble around in the dark, hoping to stumble onto some magic formula that works. But you, my friend, you are going to have a map. That matrix, it’s a way to track the clicks and conversions of every piece of content you put out there – your blog posts, your videos, your social media rants… every darn syllable.

This Simba Content Matrix isn’t about pretty charts or fancy lingo. This is a tool, a weapon even, for any entrepreneur worth their salt out there in the cutthroat world of clickonomics.

Picture this: a battlefield. Two sides. Clicks on one, Conversions on the other. See, clicks, those are the eyeballs. The attention you grab, the people leaning in, ready to hear your pitch. But like I said, attention alone don’t pay the bills. Conversions—sign-ups, sales, leads—that’s the kill shot, that’s the the money in the bank.

Now, most guys out there, they are running blind. Chasing trends, throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. They are focused on clicks alone or conversions in some dark corner divorced from where the real action is happening. It’s chaos out there, a free-for-all.

That’s where the Matrix comes in. Simple as a good cross-punch. One axis measures those clicks. The other? Conversions.

It lays your content out bare. Divides it into four camps, plain as a blue sky day:


These magnificent creatures in your digital universe are not just random celestial bodies shining bright. No, these stars are your champions, your MVPs, your rockstars. They are the ones who bring in the leads, who make the conversions happen, who take your brand from zero to hero. Whether it’s that killer blog post that keeps attracting traffic like moths to a flame or that viral video that spreads across the internet faster than gossip in a small town, these stars are the ones who demand your attention, your praise, your admiration.

So, don’t just admire them from afar, don’t let them twinkle in the vast expanse of cyberspace. No, promote them, showcase them, put them on a pedestal for all to see. Milk them for all they are worth, squeeze every drop of stardust out of them. These stars are not just the foundation of your digital pride; they are the constellation that guides your brand’s journey through the ever-changing cosmos of the online world. Embrace your stars, for they are the key to unlocking the galaxy of success in the digital realm.


Evergreen content is like that loyal friend who is always there for you, never seeking the spotlight but always coming through in a pinch. It’s the unsung hero of your content strategy, quietly working its magic long after the shiny new trends have lost their luster. While everyone else is chasing the next big thing, evergreen content stands tall like those ancient redwoods, weathering the storm of fleeting attention spans and fickle algorithms.

So, don’t overlook your evergreens – they are the reliable backbone of your digital presence, the sturdy oak in a forest of flashy distractions. They may not be the flashiest or trendiest pieces in your content arsenal, but they are the ones that keep your audience coming back for more, building trust and driving conversions while the flashy fads come and go like yesterday’s avocado toast. In a world of here-today-gone-tomorrow content, evergreens are the timeless classics that never go out of style.


Catch-22s, also known as Question Marks, are like elusive creatures that demand attention yet fail to deliver the desired results. They reel in the clicks, but something seems amiss – like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat only to find it’s a rubber chicken. Perhaps it’s a case of a misleading title that promises a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but leads to a rusty tin can instead. Or maybe it’s attracting the wrong internet crowd, like throwing a fancy soiree and having the neighborhood raccoons show up instead of the elite guests you were expecting.

These enigmatic Catch-22s can be a real head-scratcher, leaving you wondering what went wrong in the grand scheme of content creation. It’s like trying to solve a mystery where the culprit keeps changing disguises – one minute it’s a charming prince, the next a mischievous jester.

But fear not, for these elusive Catch-22s are not unbeatable foes. With a dash of wit, a sprinkle of analysis, and a pinch of creativity, you can turn those underperforming content into shining stars that light up your content universe. So, grab your metaphorical magnifying glass, Sherlock Holmes your way through the mysteries of your content, and either give those Catch-22s a makeover fit for a Hollywood red carpet or bid them adieu before they tarnish your digital reputation. It’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff, the stars from the duds, and show those Catch-22s who’s boss in this content conundrum.


In the digital age, it’s easy for our online content to morph into a horde of zombies – lurking in the dark corners of the internet, feeding on our credibility like it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet. Just like poor Lennie from “Of Mice and Men”, sometimes we have to channel our inner George and take a metaphorical shotgun to these undead pieces of content before they come back to haunt us. It’s time to be ruthless, people. Cut the dead weight, trim the fat, and declutter your kingdom of unnecessary articles, posts, and videos that not even your mom would click on.

These digital vultures may have started with good intentions, but now they are just aimlessly wandering in cyberspace, confusing the search engine gods and sabotaging your online presence. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your virtual machete, and start culling. It may not be a pleasant task, but it’s a necessary one to ensure that your digital kingdom remains thriving and zombie-free.

See, Simba’s Content Matrix, it forces you to reckon with the hard truth: what content is hitting the mark, and what’s a swing and a miss. It cuts through vanity. Those share numbers might make you feel warm and fuzzy, but if they aren’t turning into dollars in your pocket, they are just hot air.

This Matrix, it’s your edge in this clickonomics warzone. You start seeing patterns, figuring out what makes people click, then click again in a way that fattens your wallet. You start to realize that your killer content might not be what you thought. Maybe it ain’t the slick videos, but the honest, no-frills article that gets the job done.

The Matrix, it isn’t a silver bullet. But it’s a damn good flashlight in a dark, confusing tunnel. It helps you stop wasting bullets spraying the whole jungle, and start firing with precision. And in a game where attention and every dollar is hard-won, precision, my friend, is more valuable than gold.

The old way, well, it’s like fishing blindfolded. You chuck a worm in the water, hope for a bite, and mostly end up with weeds and a sour mood. You might get lucky, reel in a whopper now and then, but it’s a crapshoot.

The Content Matrix, though, that’s your sonar. It shows you where the fish are biting, what kind of bait they like, and even which way the current is flowing. You start to see patterns, uncover the hidden hot spots where your content connects with your audience and turns those clicks into the kind of action that fattens your wallet.

See, most people get caught up in the wrong questions. They worry about how many followers they have, how fancy their website looks, or whether their latest TikTok dance went viral. Vanity metrics, the lot of them. Might make you feel good, but they aren’t paying for lunch.

The Matrix cuts through the bull. It forces you to ask the hard, simple questions:

  • Did this piece of content get people to click?
  • Did those who clicked take the action I wanted them to?

No fluff, no excuses. Just the raw truth of what works and what’s a dud.

Now, here is where it gets really interesting. Just like those “Moneyball” underdogs, that Content Matrix is going to reveal hidden gems in your arsenal. You might find that long-form blog post no one seemed to read is actually raking in those high-value leads. Or that goofy tweet you tossed out on a whim is driving tons of traffic your way.

See, in this clickonomics game, intuition only gets you so far. The beauty of the matrix is, it spits out hard data. It tells you, without a doubt, which pieces of content are your undervalued players, those unassuming workhorses who might look ordinary but consistently deliver results.

And that’s where you double down, my friend. You take those hidden sluggers, you polish them up, give them the spotlight, and watch them drive in run after run. It isn’t always the prettiest content that wins, but it’s the content that delivers those clicks and conversions.

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